The school

The Limoges National School of Art and Design is one of ten national art schools under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Culture. It delivers two diplomas in the Art option and in the Object Design option: the DNA (bac + 3 equivalent to a bachelor's degree), and the DNSEP (bac + 5 equivalent to a master's degree).

It also offers two specializations: Ceramics and Contemporary Jewelry.

Benefiting from cutting-edge technological equipment and a multidisciplinary teaching team, it combines art and technique, know-how, research and implementation.
Since 2015, it has had a research laboratory (CCE) and is a partner of the University of Limoges in the training of a master's degree (CCIC) and the research-creation doctorate. Each year, it invites around fifty artists, theorists, researchers, and practitioners to conferences and workshops. This network of knowledge and approaches is carried internationally through exchanges with China, Finland, Portugal, Germany, and Japan.

On 7 m², the 500 students receive teaching provided by artists, designers, philosophers, historians or art critics, and by professionals who transmit their knowledge and know-how in a policy of exchanges and critiques. The multiple experiments are carried out in the workshops by experimenting with materials favoring an eco-responsible approach (earth, wood, textile, dye, leather, etc.), techniques (ceramics, photo, video, 200D, etc.), languages ​​(drawing, painting, volume, multimedia, jewelry, etc.), and are put into perspective by art and design history courses, study days and trips as well as Research and Creation Workshops (ARCs).

In a multidisciplinary approach, the student is led to define and expand his or her expression by contributing to society. Concerned about the future of its alumni, the school works to integrate them into the professional sector by offering regular connections with the ecosystem of the regional and national cultural economy.

Francoise Seince

Photo: Ensad exterior view of the School ©OPPIC 2022
Photo: Ensad Limoges, exterior view ©Oppic - 2022
Photo: Ensad exterior view of the School ©OPPIC 2022
Photo: Ensad Limoges, exterior view ©Oppic - 2022