Tomorrow's talents need you today
You are a manager, recruiter, financial manager... do you know that through sponsorship and the apprenticeship tax you can support the Limoges School of Art and Design which offers training open to the world and its changes?
What is the apprenticeship tax?
The School is looking for partners likely to pay all or part of their apprenticeship tax.
The apprenticeship tax is a French tax payable by companies subject to income or corporate tax, regardless of their status.
This tax actively contributes to the development of artistic, technological and professional training. By paying your apprenticeship tax, you help establishments with educational missions make educational investments, acquire training materials and develop their programs.
To do so:
2/ Connect to your private space as a subject company. You then access the search engine.
3/ In the search bar, enter the Siret identifier: 180 092 397 00017 or with the name ENSAD LIMOGES.
4/ Indicate your allocation request by the percentage you wish to allocate > ex: 80% for the School.
5/ URSSAF and the Caisse des Dépôts & Consignations will do what is necessary to collect, distribute and remit the funds paid from your declaration of the balance of the apprenticeship tax via the DSN (nominative social declaration).
What is patronage?
Faced with a recurring lack of resources, higher art schools are mobilizing to develop patronage and raise funds. Goals ? support the development of a school, invest in specific projects, encourage research in art.
Patronage is defined as “material support provided, without direct compensation from the beneficiary, to a work or to a natural or legal person for the exercise of activities of general interest. »
It results in the payment of a cash donation to the School to, among other projects, actively contribute to the development of artistic, technological and professional training.
Ensad Limoges is eligible for deductible sponsorship, the donation entitles donors (companies and individuals) to tax advantages.
For more information…
You can contact Sébastien Bilquart, revenue manager, by telephone on +33 (0)5 55 43 14 41.