Artist/designer residencies

The National School of Art and Design of Limoges regularly welcomes, through a call for projects or by invitation, artists and designers wishing to develop a research-creation project within the school. It thus provides them with its workshops, technical, logistical and human resources. Residents can experiment, design and develop a prototype or create a unique piece.

Call for applications on project:

Each year, Ensad publishes a call for applications to select two residents whose project meets the school's research concerns.
In 2024, artists Mathias Mareschal and Tibo Labat are invited to join the school for a 2-3 month residency. Each also offers a one-week workshop to students, in order to encourage exchanges between students and professionals.
A new call for applications will be published on the school's website at the beginning of 2025.

Residence by invitation:

Every year since 2017, POPatelier Bijou has invited an international artist into residence.
In 2024, David Bielander, a Swiss artist based in Munich, is invited to work in the studio and to interact with students, particularly as part of the Charivari workshop.
For 2025, Manon Van Kouswijk, a Dutch-Australian artist living and working in Melbourne, has been invited.

PAUSE Residence:

In 2022-2023, Ensad Limoges has also chosen to welcome a Russian ceramic artist, Daniil Antropov, as part of PAUSE, a national emergency program which supports researchers and artists who can no longer work in their country and are forced into exile due to wars, social persecution or censorship in particular.

Photo: Mathias Mareschal - Faults (detail), 2022, Series of 5 casts of rock faults. Coll. Frac Poitou Charentes
Mathias Mareschal - Faults (detail), 2022, Series of 5 casts of rock faults. Coll. Frac Poitou Charentes
Photo: Tibo Labat, “exploration”
Tibo Labat, "exploration"
Photo: Mathias Mareschal - Faults (detail), 2022, Series of 5 casts of rock faults. Coll. Frac Poitou Charentes
Mathias Mareschal - Faults (detail), 2022, Series of 5 casts of rock faults. Coll. Frac Poitou Charentes
Photo: Tibo Labat, “exploration”
Tibo Labat, "exploration"