Artist/designer residencies
The National School of Art and Design of Limoges regularly welcomes, through a call for projects or by invitation, artists and designers wishing to develop a research-creation project within the school. It thus provides them with its workshops, technical, logistical and human resources. Residents can experiment, design and develop a prototype or create a unique piece.
Call for applications on project:
Each year, Ensad publishes a call for applications to select two residents whose project meets the school's research concerns.
In 2024, artists Mathias Mareschal and Tibo Labat are invited to join the school for a 2-3 month residency. Each also offers a one-week workshop to students, in order to encourage exchanges between students and professionals.
A new call for applications will be published on the school's website at the beginning of 2025.
Residence by invitation:
Every year since 2017, POPatelier Bijou has invited an international artist into residence.
In 2024, David Bielander, a Swiss artist based in Munich, is invited to work in the studio and to interact with students, particularly as part of the Charivari workshop.
For 2025, Manon Van Kouswijk, a Dutch-Australian artist living and working in Melbourne, has been invited.
PAUSE Residence:
In 2022-2023, Ensad Limoges has also chosen to welcome a Russian ceramic artist, Daniil Antropov, as part of PAUSE, a national emergency program which supports researchers and artists who can no longer work in their country and are forced into exile due to wars, social persecution or censorship in particular.